Course Software Installation Instructions
This course teaches PCB Design and embedded systems in the context of emerging markets. We’re going to have you create some accounts, and download some software to get started before we start the labs. You will have access to this software after you finish the course.
Step 1: Install Altium Designer or KiCAD
Altium Designer is an industrial-grade PCB design software, KiCAD is an open-source software that’s a great alternative. This class will support both, but will teach using KiCAD.
If you have a Mac: KiCAD Installation Instructions ↗
If you have a Windows, you can choose to use Altium: Install Altium Designer ↗
Step 2: Install LTSpice
LTSpice is a circuit simulation tool that helps us predict the performance of electrical systems before building them! Pleaseinstall LTSpice ↗!
Note, if you have installed KiCAD, KiCAD comes with an in-built LTSpice simulator and you will not need to also install native SPICE.
Step 3: Install MBed Studio
We will also be using the STM32 microcontroller in this class. It’s like an Arduino, but it’s an industrial-grade microprocessor used heavily in multiple industries including the automotive industry. Please make an account on ARM MBed, and download the MBed Studio Desktop IDE ↗. This is what we will use to program our STM32 microcontrollers.
Step 4: Install GitHub
Please create an account on GitHub ↗ and install GitHub on your desktop ↗. You may also use GitHub Desktop if you choose ↗ in lieu of the command line.
Here is a tutorial on git for absolute beginners ↗. We’ll go through it a bit in class.